Monday 2 November 2015

HOW TO BE HAPPY...What is the deepest secret of Happiness in Life?


 After about a month, I sadly had to travel back to my home town. I said my sorrowful good byes to Philip and suddenly had a thought. I turned my head and said ‘You have been a great friend to me, so I think you should also be a great friend to Daniel I gave Daniel to Philip so he had a friend to play with while I was gone. He was so excited and I felt so pleased with myself. Now every time we talk on phone, they are now best friends forever.The happiest people on earth are those that have mastered the working condition of their minds.Happiness and suffering are both merely states of mind. Therefore to truly be free from suffering and enjoy happiness in every moment, it is imperative that we possess a thorough and profound understanding of the mind and how to maintain control over it. This is the best, most reliable way by which we can greatly improve our quality of life both now and in the future..We all want to be happy, and there are countless ideas about what happiness is and how we can get some.
  What you must learn,understand and master to be applied practically are:
  • Discover what happiness is and why it matters to you
  • Learn how to increase your own happiness
  • Understand the power of social connections and the science of empathy
  • Discover what is mindfulness and its real world applications
Is Happiness in HAPPY SONGS??? songs like blues and others.Is happiness in happy marriage or in happy lyrics or is it in happy music and movies....that makes someone happy???Happiness,  is a mental or emotional state of well-being defined by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.
       Many times things don’t go the way we want them to. Sometimes we feel inundated with challenges and difficulties. Out of habit, our normal reaction to these events is to regard the situation itself as the problem.  Happiness comes of the capacity to feel deeply, to enjoy simply, to think freely, to risk life, to be needed. mind.In reality, however, all of our problems arise from our own mind. To those unfamiliar with their mind, this sounds counter-intuitive or completely false, but if we take the time to investigate deeply we will discover this truth for ourselves. When we can respond to life’s difficulties with a positive and peaceful mind, they suddenly seem to melt away into nothing right before our eyes. Indeed, we may even come to view them as exciting challenges for personal and spiritual growth. Problems only really arise when we adopt a negative state of mind in response to a difficult or unexpected situation. Because of this, if we want to free ourselves from all our problems, we must gain control of our mind.
     It is possible to conclude from the look of things and situations that the world is always and ever increasing in problems and difficult issues It is true that this modern world continues to discover new knowledge and develop new ways to influence our surroundings.
true happiness cannot be attained by ever increasing control over our external world. Happiness and suffering only exist within the mind, and so their origins cannot to be found outside the mind. In order to really achieve permanent happiness and freedom from all suffering, we must first achieve a thorough understanding of the mind.
   What makes happiness so important to you is that it could be chief judge of your actions, attitude, character and your our entire personality.

Why it is so difficult to maintain a continually happy and peaceful mind if we have both the  potential for peace and happiness within us?  The way out of this question is because we are often carried away because of what situation and circumstances around us give to our mind to work on. All these deluded thoughts of worries  wrestled against our inner peace.Delusion are distorted, deceptive ways of viewing our own self, others and the world around us. Anger, for example, corrupts our view of others so that they appear intrinsically bad.
         If you have a strong desire for bean cake, then to you that bean cake appears intrinsically, irresistibly good. But after the forth piece you begin to feel sick, and then it no longer seems so delicious — you may even find it repulsive! This clearly shows that, like all things, bean cake itself is neither delicious nor disgusting. Rather it is the deluded mind of attachment that projects all sorts of attractive qualities onto whatever we behold and then relates t
All delusions function in this way, within our mind as well as the minds of others. They project their own distorted version of reality onto the world, and we become convinced that this projection must be true. When delusions arise within us we have lost our grip on reality and cannot see things as they really are. Because our mind is always under the control of, at least, subtle forms of delusion all the time, we should not be surprised at our seemingly never ending stress, anxiety and confusion. It is as if we are continually chasing mirages, finding only disappointment when they don’t seem to fulfill our desires or pacify our frustrations.
o them as if those qualities come from the object itself.

"And in the valley beneath the mountains of my youth, lies the river of my tears. As it wends its way to the ocean of my dreams, so long ago they have gone. And yet, if I were but to think anew, would these dreams evaporate in my mind and become the morning dew upon a supple rose whose beauty is enhanced with these glistening drops, as the sun of life peeks o'er the mountains when youth was full. Then I must not supply this endless fountain that creates the river of my tears but look beyond those mountains where the bluebird of happiness flies."- George J.Happiness quotes,Happiness poems and Happy life Bluebirds-Of-Happiness.htm


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