Saturday, 21 November 2015


How To Read/study And Understand Everything. 2015/2016
    Image result for READ AND UNDERSTAND   Do you get to the bottom of a page and you realized that you have just been moving round the page without getting anything from the page? And you begin to ask yourself why and why not picking out all the contents of the page, just like watching a movie, and understanding every words and actions by scenes?  It happens to everybody at some points or another. Just as it is, that very interesting movie you sometimes ago watched and to date, you can chorus those words and actions of each scene, so also it is to studying or reading every pages you come across in that ugly looking and hard to understand textbook of yours and getting every part of the page, if and if only these steps are critically understood, followed and put into practice.
1.      Distract all distractions away from your side.
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Do away with your phones, TV set, computer, cut out all the music because all these have the capacity to limit your rate of assimilation especially if you are reading something difficult. So before reading at all, ensure you find yourself a very comfortable and distraction free location. To make your rate of assimilation fast, interesting and encouraging, get yourself a soft drink, cool water, snacks that are very light. Make yourself more comfortable with the use of room freshening perfume. It helps you to read and understand nearly everything.
Survey all you want to study first before you do your close reading(what is your studying style?..check it out here).
Especially if you reading something difficult, don’t spoil the end for yourself by first concentrating on the first hard headed paragraph. Instead, survey and skim all round what you need to read, to get the idea and a little understanding about what you want to read. Believe you are a visitor in the city of the topic you want to study. Then you have to skim around to know how the city looks like, kind of people living there and what kind of goods on market in the city etc. So now that you have the idea of what the book entails right at heart. Read over closely with your imagination widely open and view what you are reading like a movie.
2.     Picture what you are reading with your inner mind.
Picture everything as real as possible, turn it around like you are watching a movie. Try to picture it as realistically as possible. This makes it fun and interesting, and it will make you remember and understand better what you are reading a lot better.How do you picture when you read?
3.     Read it aloud and listen to your voice.
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Many people find it easier to stay focus on what they are reading by saying those words out aloud in that locked room. It becomes difficult to forget anything you speak to your own self.How do you read aloud,without disturbing?
4.     Take a break, move around Use your ear phone set and webcam to record what you are reading aloud.
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Any difficult sentence or statement, read it more than one time slowly, and then increase your speed on it as you recording it, if your laptop has a webcam, put it on and explain the textbook to yourself, by displaying on the screen, play this to yourself at your leisure time. Now that you having a copy in your phone, at any time, use your ear phone set, listen to it just like you do listen to other mp3 songs. Dear, while others are busy playing around, you are actually reading and studying by listening to your own self.What are the powerful benefits of these?
5.     Make up questions for yourself after you first read through. At every margin of each page.
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Write questions down from every page you go through in the first reading through. Underline anything that interests you about the solution to the question set. Highlight the important contents and ideas. How do I set a productive question?
6.     Draft out a brief summary of each paragraphs or pages at the bottom of each page.
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Start taking note of anything interesting and that can get away from your memory in a short time. Page after pages, give a summary about what the page contains. This will break up the reading and allow you to go through it with much careful attention.How do I draft out brief summary of each paragraphs ?
7.     Do your review ,to read and get answers to all the questions you have
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        Read through targeting to answer the questions you have on your margins. Read the questions before you start reading the content of each page. Read to get the detail answer to the questions.
8.     Have your revision by going through all the summary you have in each page.
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     Read and assimilate all the summary in each page, you can simplify it by giving it numbers, duplicate it as many and more piece of paper you see around you. The more you write it, the more you assimilate it and the better you become.You might want to check out how to carry out an unforgetable revision
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 Give a practical approach to all these steps, the sky is the starting point for your academic outstanding. Remember what makes a difference between ordinary and extraordinary is the matter of the EXTRA there. In all you do for your academic success, always do extra work and the result will be outstanding. See you at the top, yours Akinsuroju Olubunmi A.

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